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Product name : High Purity Acetylene Gas
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1.Type: Acetylene 
3.Molecular Formula: C2H2 

Acetylene (C2H2) is produced from the reaction of the calcium carbide with water. It is colorless, has pronounced garlic like smell, highly combustible. It produces a very warm flame (more of 3000oC or 5400oF) in the presence of Oxygen.
Oxy-Acetylene flame is classified as the hottest and most concentrated primary flame of all industrial fuel gases, making Acetylene the preferred choice for cutting and welding. Main application of Acetylene in industry is for welding and cutting of metals.
Acetylene gas is a colorless, flammable gas with an odor similar to garlic. Shipped and stored in dissolved acetone. Can decompose spontaneously if pressure exceeds 15 PSIG.
Acetylene is one hot gas. It has one of the hottest flame temperature of any commercially available fuel gas (5,720°F), making it an excellent choice for welding, brazing and cutting steel alloys less than two inches thick.
In scientific applications, acetylene is used as an instrumentation gas and a fuel gas and is the most important of all starting materials for organic synthesis. It readily combines with a wide range of elements and compounds, making it ideal for the commercial manufacture of various industrial and consumer products


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